More Risk than Benefit – Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Malone: “These synthetic pseudouridine-containing RNAs last for 60 days or longer… continuing to make spike. The levels of spike that the [shots] are making is higher [than a COVID infection].”
“In Dr. Burkhardt’s autopsy studies, [this synthetic sequence stays] in the vessels of the body for at least 128 days… The spike that it’s making induces pathologic changes in the body. It can cause clotting…. inflames the heart, causes heart attacks, causes strokes, and causes cancers in young age groups… Unusual things [are occurring] that … Read more
If this is true, it changes how we view everything. If you haven’t seen “Watch the Water” yet with Stew Peter’s interviewing Dr. Bryan Ardis (4/11/22) regarding his theory and research on snake venom as the primary culprit in this Covid charade, I recommend you start there. The implications of this theory proving correct may … Read more
These vaccines do not prevent acquisition, illness, transmission or death from this disease. New Data suggests it’s much worse than we imagined.
More Risk than Benefit – Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Malone: “These synthetic pseudouridine-containing RNAs last for 60 days or longer… continuing to make spike. The levels of spike that the [shots] are making is higher [than a COVID infection].”
“A report that looked at 356,502 children that took the jab showed that its efficacy was less than 25%, and in another report, 21 children developed multisystem inflammatory syndrome, 12 of whom had to be admitted to the intensive care unit.”
Medical Staff tell Coroner Massive Increase in Thrombosis Deaths is “Good for Business” – Watch John O’Looney, Coroner and Whistleblower.
Dr. Robert Malone: The Greater the Number of ‘Vaccine’ Shots, The Greater the Risk of Being Infected. The CDC’s Historic Risk Data is Irrelevant. We are seeing Enhanced Disease. The Vaccine isn’t working to prevent infection, replication and spread. “This ‘medical emergency’ that the Biden administration has used to justify suspension of the constitution is … Read more
Before you Inject your child, a decision that is irreversible, I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA technology I created over 30 years ago.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “The Proof is There. We’re looking at an agent that has no benefit whatsoever… If there’s any suspicion that an agent in the experimental phase is causing illness and death, that experiment has to be stopped on the spot… The spike protein can be found in the blood of vaccinated people… This looks premeditated.”
The FDA and Pfizer trying to hide the clinical trial data. That’s fraud. You do not hide data from the public unless you’ve committed fraud.
Evidenced by a Massive Wave in All-Cause Mortality for Working Aged Americans, We Can See a Dramatic Rise in Deaths Well Above the ‘Substantial Increase’ Guideline Begin Just After Mandates and Boosters Rolled Out. Question is, ‘ Where Does it End?” John Fredricks Outside the Beltway Dr. Zelenko, in this short clip, states that these … Read more