New Covid Variant or Resurrected Flu? What Can We Do to End this Biowarfare on our Freedom?

Has the Spanish Flu been resurrected for just this occasion, creating cover for a deadly vaccine? Is there nothing we can do to slow this immutable march toward tyranny?

While we hear early reporting that the metropolitan city of Xi’an, China is entirely locked down,1 our mainstream media is not covering it. Just as in January 2020 when COVID-19 emerged, will we soon be leaked fear-inducing videos of PPE-clad teams going door to door, kidnapping unsuspecting citizens, never to return from unknown “quarantine” centers?2 Will this revamped fear porn have the added drama of helpless, bloody faces?

Are we supposed to begin imagining this is a new VoC (Variant of Concern), or something worse, soon to be known as Flurona? It seems equally plausible this is a resurrection of the Spanish Flu or Hemorrhagic Smallpox.3 The delivery method is up for discussion, of course. But, based on what we’ve just learned from on the level of batch specific toxicity in these ongoing experiments, known as vaccines, it seems they are doing lethal dose testing (LD50)4 with not only all of the Pharma offerings, but with perhaps a whole bouquet of toxins.5 So why not the recently reconstructed Spanish Flu or some other long-thought extinct virus? Why else trouble themselves to dig up Spanish Flu victims from the inhospitable Alaskan Permafrost and reconstruct the Genomic Sequence?

Introducing a virulent, hemorrhagic virus would be an expedient way to create a renewed wave of panic and obedience. Introducing it into a population with newly acquired and widespread immune deficiency6 would simultaneously provide cover for the mid- and long-term effects of a toxic vaccine campaign. The fear, bolstered by images of hemorrhaging faces, will add a renewed level of obeisance to the decrees of the new Religion of Public Health.

Is there nothing we can do to interrupt this immutable march toward tyranny? While we are still free on paper, in the eyes of a fraying judicial system, there is still time to act. If for no other reason than posterity, consider serving notice or filing a criminal complaint against those complicit in this now overt plan to crush our independence as humans and nations.

Enshrined in our United States Criminal Code were laws to protect our citizens that echoed the edicts of the Internationally recognized Nuremberg Code.7 Learn more about using our criminal justice system to put people on notice and file a criminal complaint here. Together, we must assert our rights before they are entirely stripped from us and future generations, under the false pretenses of a public health emergency.

  • BREAKING: NEW CHINA COVID VARIANT? PEOPLE BLEEDING FROM EYES, NOSE, MOUTH! (VIDEO) | WTF is going on? War Room Pandemic European Correspondent Ben Harnwell today reported on a possible ‘new variant’ found in Xi’an City, Communist China, where the city of over ten million people has been completely locked down. Reportedly residents are screaming from their windows as they starve due to no food. Harnwell describes reports from inside […] (
  • This link has since been removed –
  • The Deadliest Flu: The Complete Story of the Discovery and Reconstruction of the 1918 Pandemic Virus | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC4
  • › pmc › articles › PMC61178205
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Rebecca Weaver on Substack – January 6, 2022

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